1. There are 180+ rabbit breeds across the world – These breeds are differentiated by lop ears, length of hair, and size of the rabbit. There are many features to every breed.
2. They weigh between 3-20 pounds depending on the breed – Kaytee offers the right products for each bunny breed. Bigger breeds will need more space while smaller breeds might need different food.
3. There are four types of fur: Normal, Rex, Satin, and Angora fur.
4. A female rabbit is called a doe.
5. A male rabbit is called a buck.
6. They typically have one of five eye colors: brown, blue-gray, blue, marbled, and pink.
7. They can be litter trained, similar to cats.
8. They are social, playful pets. It’s important to keep bunnies entertained with plenty of toys, chews, and attention. We also recommend interacting with your bunny with treats, petting, and more.
9. Most rabbits are easily startled.
10. Fiber is the most important part of a rabbit's daily diet. Make sure to pick out food that suits your rabbit’s health needs
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