
Sunday, 11 November 2018

How to Caring your sheep.. Tips


Sheep are grazing mammals often kept as livestock on farms. Sheep can be used for meat, wool and milk. Sheep generally have a lifespan of 6 to 14 years. When well cared for, sheep can live up to 20 years. Sheep are adaptable to many climates and can be found throughout the world

How to caring a sheep

1:  Providing the Right Environment:-

(Your sheep need a shelter that protects them from all the elements, year round. These elements include sun, wind, and rain. While a barn is a great, it's not necessary)

2: Give them straw bedding

  • You shouldn't use sawdust for wool sheep as this will ruin their wool.
  • Some people consider pine shavings to be better than hay, because of its absorbency, but that simply depends on your personal preference. Pine shavings do cling to a sheep's coat, which can make it more difficult come shearing time.
  • You can sprinkle PDZ in each stall and under the overhang outside about once a month to neutralize urine. 


3: Make sure that your pasture supports the number of sheep you choose

  • Pasture sizes vary based on locale, climate, maintenance, type of planting, and rainfall. For example: dry rocky conditions will need more pastureland to provide more grass.

                                                 4: Keep the airflow moving

  • A fan and open doors will cool the shelter on hot days, as well as keep the flies away from the sheep.

                                             5: Set up fencing

  • Make sure you have portable panels to enclose sick sheep, especially if you're also got stalls. You'll need to keep them away from the healthy sheep.
  • You can also electrify your fence. Even with a tall seven foot (2 m) tall fence, predators can dig under the fence and attack your sheep. Electrifying your fence will deter predators as soon as they touch the fence. Don't count on it keeping your sheep in, though. With heavy coats, sheep are less likely to feel the bolts of electricity.

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